Land, Sea, and Air ... the Ultimate Whale Watching Package.

AUD $1,180.00
  • Duration: 2 Days (approx.)
  • Location: Ceduna, SA
  • Product code: PTCZ19

Ancient Land Tours’ 2-day tour explores the Far West of SA with a focus on Southern Right whale watching from land, sea and air. We stay at the iconic Nullarbor Roadhouse, visit caves, and learn more about the incredible geology, flora, and fauna of Nullarbor. 

We depart from Ceduna. Included is a whale watching cruise at Fowlers Bay, whale watching from the iconic Bunda Cliffs, an overnight stay at the unique Nullarbor Roadhouse, and a 30 minute scenic flight to view the whales from the air. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, and all permits and fees are included for both days in this package. Please note that your evening meal and breakfast is not included in this package; you may purchase your choice of evening meal and breakfast from the licenced Nullarbor Roadhouse restaurant.

Southern Right whales visit the region each year to give birth, mate and socialise. They arrive late May and depart around October. They spend the rest of the time travelling to or feeding well offshore in the Southern Ocean.  In June and July most of the whales you will see are adults. You may be lucky enough to observe these 70 tonne mammals mating (look for groups rolling around on the surface).  By late August you can commonly see the mothers swimming along the cliffs with their young calves at their side.  At this time of the year there are often 70 or more whales in the area visible from the platform.  By the time the whales leave in October the calves have grown and have become strong enough to join their mothers on the long migration south.

There are unparalleled bird watching opportunities, coastal raptors have been observed, and depending on the time of the year we may be lucky to see bustards as well.  On land we may see dingoes, wombats, and kangaroos, on water we may see Australian Sea Lions, seals, dolphins and other marine life.